Crochet Society Advent CAL{endar} 2022

RRP £74.99
January Sale Offer £64.99


25 Gifts, 25 Balls of Yarn, and 25 Days of Crochet Along, plus 4 bonus mini makes!

This stunning crochet advent calendar includes 25 drawers for you to open each day, bringing you a beautiful ball of 100% acrylic yarn (33g each). The crochet along pattern has been exclusively designed by Caroline Warren of Poppy Seed and Pom Patterns. The Crochet Along pattern can be stitched together whichever way you choose allowing you to create your own unique and custom design.

The calendar features a double door design allowing you to display the drawers or store your crochet goodies out of sight. It can also be used as a storage unit for your crochet supplies all year round.

With the purchase of your calendar, you will gain access to the exclusive Facebook group where you can share your crochet along progress. There will also be video tutorials and pattern reveals on the Crochet Society website, so you can crochet along with the group and learn stitch techniques and tricks. The advent calendar includes over £140 worth of crochet goodies!

Start your December off right with the perfect festive Advent CAL{endar}!