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Crafting Calm: 5 Ways Crocheting Does Your Mind Good!
As we welcome in a very cold 2025 so far, we've recognised quite a few new faces that have taken up crocheting as a new hobby to learn this year.
If you've decided to pick up your hook this year, we've put together a little collection of essentials that every crocheter should have in their collection.
As adults, we forget how relaxing crafting can be. Picking up your latest project at the end of a stressful day is an easy way to take a step back from the fast-paced reality, zone out, and can even improve your mental wellbeing. Here are some surprising way that crocheting can help improve your mental health.
Mental Wellbeing
OK, we admit - this one might not be that surprising. In fact, most crafters will tell you that they already know this - creativity can work wonders for your mental wellbeing. Whether it's the simple process of mindful crafting itself, or helping you feel like you've achieved something small even on a tough day, crafting is one of the best things you can do to look after your mental health.
Healthy Joints
Gentle movements such as those we use when stitching can help keep our joints moving and maintain the strength in the small muscles in our hands. You know that achy feeling you get when you've powered through a load of rows, or when you use a coarser yarn than your usual go-to, that's your muscles aching because you've used a part of your arm that you normally don't do. Remember, it's important to take breaks, do your stretches, and listen to your body. If you need a break, stop - and your posture is extremely important too!
Active Mind
Who needs electronic brain-training apps when your crafting needs you to work out what a third of seven inches is, or how many stitches to cast on for your next hat! Crochet patterns are essentially just puzzles that we need to figure out, translate and create with our own hands, plus following repetitive patterns can be great for your brain too. This makes crocheting a great way of keeping your brain active and engaged as well as giving us little bursts of endorphins (the brain's happy chemical) every time we get it right!
The Joy of Gifting
Lots of us love to make projects for a friend or family member, or for good cause, but did you know that doing something positive for a charitable cause is actually good for your mental wellbeing as well as the recipient? Giving a gift that you've made with your own two hands to a loved one or to a good cause can trigger positive responses in your mind and body, including better self-esteem, with a feeling of satisfaction and calm that can lead to lower blood pressure and better overall mental wellbeing too!
Environmental Effects
Every act of eco-conscious crafting and creativity can be part of the worldwide effort to look after our planet - reducing waste, pollution and global warming. When you choose to wear your handknitted jumper instead of turning up the heater or make a card from recycled paper, you're helping to keep the world a happier, healthier place for all of us!
So, whether you're wanting to crochet yourself to a better mind space this year, or whether its your goals to make everyone you love a gift for their birthday instead of buying them something, why not pick up your hook and get crocheting!
Want to be part of a community? Why not join our Facebook group, full of happy crocheters that share projects, advice and mostly share their love of crocheting.
Join now by clicking this link.